ok, i know my little unpopular bloggie was dead for 1 month. so here's the update. sorry guys! XP
hmmm, let me recall what happened in the past 1 month.. first, very sad and bad, my father's side grandma passed away.. saturday just sent into hospital, then sunday gone... so unexpected! although the doctor already told us that anything could happen and we must be prepared, but... the feeling still sucks >.<
Dear grandma, R.I.P and i always do love you... i remember the way u put ur effort in taking care of me and my bro when we were kids. now, whenever i see old ladies on wheelchairs it reminds me of u.. i should have go visit and talk to u more often, but now it's all too late. pls forgive me... TT.TT
then, was rushing for TI assignment, but we didnt attend the last tutorial, so dun know how many my group get for it. =.=
read 80+ pages of TI textbook, but wth i get the lowest c/w mark in my class??!!! OH NO! hope i can at least get a B...
then MYOB was quite good. scored 46/50 in final test, hehe.. like the pretty Ms. Lim, but not the
botak! >.<
went jogging with lam 2 weeks ago.. really very long looooooooooong time no exercise ady. beh tahan, not enough oxigen!

i dun remember i posed like this =.=!

time flies.. 2 years of diploma passed and it's now the time to say byebye to Group24, but definitely not our friendship! it is still GG-ing and i love my girls! we still gossip, talk about leng zai, leng lui, share the things happen around and shopping and many many more! XOXO~~ and of course, wont forget the batangs.. ^^
it's holiday!!! let's fatt mou at home! lol