teh teh kissed my forehead.. hohoho
kesian our Justin.. hahahhaha *Jackson's foot*
hmmm.. it tasted finger licking good!
my idea..
that middle finger very yeng loh!
yerrrrrr.. no eye see
hiek hiek hiek.. so maluu~
my hand is drumstick aa???
super candid
Jackson didnt style hair wor!
she said she didnt dye her hair! >.<
my turn.. =.= *Jackson's foot too*
the 3rd time.. me n teh teh^^
eve eve terus kena after she n vito joined.. haha
i saw eve cleaned her finger with teh teh's cloth! hahaha
u got Nivea deodorant??
Justin n Vito... yerrr,so smelly! haha
Justin's gonna take off his cloth..
so syok man!!!
there are still some pictures missing here.. some i dun have, some i recorded in video.. lazy to upload.. lol
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