sing k~~ shopping~~

went sing k with GG n batang.. Greenbox's service sucks!!!!! >.<

bought this wedges, got my favourite flowery drawings! I'm so in love with flowery thingy, hehe..
saw another one nicer, but rm80 oo! over my budget already. we must shop rationally, hahaha.. but this one I also kinda like it, hehe.. Thanks to baby Nat for accompany me to buy ya, muackss^^ baby Eve also go buy one! hehe

oh ya, finally can connect my phone to laptop!!! found these pictures in my phone not yet posted, hehe..

see who is this? so kia si???

left.. right.. bottom.. GENG!!

it's Jackson! haha.. but why he so scared??

because the driver was Natalie.!! a driver with no license.. hahaha

and this. gay couple.. ==