ermm,actually i went for my colleagu's wedding dinner on friday night. but after came back from the dinner felt very tired.. then saturday have to work n at the night,busy chatting in msn pulak.. haha XD so today only i post it.. hehehe =P
drank a bit wine on that night,coz my mummy was juz 'watching' beside me,so i juz 'yi xi yi xi' drank half glass lor.. alahh...... >.<
it's me with the pretty bride.!! she is pretty,n im cute.. wuahahaha XD
guess who is tis.??? she's my mummy.!!!! haha,we look like sisters leh... ^^
me n joey.. her husband is rich.!! hehehe
ermm,tis is man zong.. a REAL chinaman.! he came from china.. Guo Da Hua,your relative.. hahaha
i look like naked when taking this pic.. hahaha,im not so dare lahh.. >.<
nahh.. tis is my dress lahh.. haha,with sexy Denise.. always go clubbing 1...
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