tis is jj.. alamak,he is juz too skinny.!! like a piece of paper.!! seriously.. lol,jj.. u shud eat more lar.. XD
we all had so much fun today.!! n luckily kay got bring me a big towel, if not aa, i sure kena 1.. that sei fei zai.. haha XD we did jungle tracking,,then some VERY DIFFICULT yoga poses,, and some stupid exercises.. after all,we went for the real gym..... but,but,, we had to do our assignment.. and finish it by today b4 6pm.!! come on,it's IMPOSSIBLE.!!! and the truth is,, it's really impossible.. we cant finish it b4 6pm..
b4 we went for gym,we kept all our stuffs inside vito's car,hp oso.. so that's y when Justin called me there was no1 answers.. he missed call me for more than 10 times.!!! n he even called my dad n bro,then my dad n mom called me but i didnt answer oso.. LOL..
then he managed to call Charlene,finally.. XD after i met with him at canteen2,he told me he thought me n vito's gang had accident.! coz we all didnt answer his calls.. hahha,then he started to find us around the college.. start from sports complex,,then library,,then he went 2 canteen n sat n there.. lonely.. confused.. scared.. hahaa.. oh yea,it was raining.!! then now he is having a flu.. SORRY lor,my dear Justin.. hahha XD
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