1st time i take LRT lehh.! just for my baby nat,i so sacrificed.. hahaha XD felt so excited n 'chi gek' taking lrt alone.. hoho~
the klcc... didnt go for such a long long long time ady...
the 1st thing we did is makan.!!!! haha,went sakae sushi for our brunch...
baby nat looked so cute! >.<
me eating.. so ugly! my image habis lahh... haha
after "window shopping" for a while,we went out to take some photos.. ^^
me with the lake... *1st time see me wearing long skirt huh.?* XP
my dearest baby nat.. pretty girl.!! =)
me sitting under a tree.. hahahaha
baby nat asked me to pose like this.. "siu lui wuai chun",LOL...
finally,both of us.! we two get chubbier.. >.<
then we watched "the curious case of Benjamin Button".. Brad Pitt is just so leng zai.!!!! arghhhh >.< hmmm,the story line is something like Titanic (of course Titanic is much more better la,haha).. an old lady telling the story,through Brad Pitt's diary.. the movie was touching, at the end.. XP
lol,today was just all about shopping,eating n taking photos..
1.went sakae sushi after we met up
2.then ate snacks while watching movie
3.after movie then shopping,went KFC for dinner..
4.after that ate ice cream,then shopping lagi..
OMG.! can u imagine how much calories i "ate" into my body today.???!!!! we ate like siao.! sot ady... alamakkkk~~~ >.< but never mind, baby nat 'suffer' together with me,kakaka
hmmm,get myself a pair of sandals from nose.. bling bling 1, got indiana feel.. haha
hmmm,had so much fun with baby nat today.. like usual, crap with her, n kena diu by her.. hahaha.. but i like it! kakaka... XD
* baby eve was not there with us.. hmmmm >.< *
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