now is ady 1.21am.. i shud be studying or sleeping..such a GOOD weather,i wear long pants for the whole day long.!! haha.. instead, im crapping with Justin.. alahh,i wanted to study ady.. but then he msn me,then i msn Natalie pulak.. then,stopped chatting with nat,but still talking with justin.. we chat non-stop.. stupid msn!! stupid laptop!! haha.. but fun.!!
me n Justin have created some NEW TREND words.!! haha,actually it's a lot.!! we created them by ourselves.. actually i duno how it started,but... it was SUPER FUNNY.!!!! we SDXFL. hahahaah.. any1 can learn from it.!! if u got any new vocabulary,pls feel free to tell us yea.!! we will update from time to time,thx.. haha

LOL = sdds = Siu Dai Dai Sieng
LMAO = sdxfl = Siu Dou Xi Fatt Lat
ROF,LMAO = ld,sixfl = Lok Dei,Siu Dou Xi Fatt Lat
SWT = lh = Lau Hon
WTF = ml = Mat Lan
WTH = mdy = Mat Dei Yook
FY(fuck you) = dl = Diu Lei
DAMN = d = Deng
SOB(son of bitch) = glgz = Gau Lar Gor Zai
motherfucker = damgy = Diu Ah Ma Gor Yan
grandmotherfucker = dapgy = Diu Ah Po Gor Yan
OMG = ngs = Ngor Gor San
NVM = mgy = Mm Gan Yiu
NTG = my = Mou Yeh
NW = yk = Yi Ka
JK = ks = Kong Siu
On9 = SM = Siong Mong
TS = Time square = skf = Si Kan Fong
MV = Mid Valley = zgs = Zhoong Gan Seng
RELI = zh = Zhen Hai
THX = mg = Mm Goi
SRY = dmj = Dooi Mm Juu
JZ = jh = Jin Hai
BT = dh = Dan Hai
NT = mh = Mm Hai
PIC = s = Siong
RMB = gd = Gei Dak
AWAY = zh = Zhau Hoi
BUSY = hm = Hou MOng
BRB = yjgfl = Yat Jin Gan Fan Lai
WATEVER = mdhl = Meh Dou Hou La
YUPP = h = Hai
NOPE = mh = Mm Hai
YEAH = hy = Hou Yeh
WAT = my = Mat Yeh
NITEZ = zt = Zhou Tao
SWEET DREAMS = ftm = Fatt Tim Moong
BB(bye bye) = jg = Joi Gin

hahahahahaha.. really cant stop laughing.!!! omg.. ngor gor san.. hahaha

me n Justin agreed that LMAO is the most funny 1.. Siu Dou Xi Fatt Lat.. haha
then,2nd is.. OMG.. Ngor Gor San..
kk,gonna sleep le..
nitez.. zhou tao.. hahaha