tagged by Justin K

List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people

1.like to gossip
2.innocent XD
5.cute =P
6.crazy (sometimes)
7.clever (LOL)
8.like to eat

Tagging: juz tag anyone who i want to tag

YOUR first name: Siew? or Juen? or Siew Juen???

name you wish you had: never thought of it before ^^

what do people normally call you: Siew Juen,Joanne,ah juen,baby jo,dear,darling XD

birthday: 05 september 1990

birthplace:Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur

time of birth: mummy told me it's around 10.30am

single or taken: single

zodiac sign:Virgo, and i'm still a virgin =P


h0w tall are you: 160cm

wish you were taller: sometimes ^^

eye colour: dark dark dark blue

current hair color: naturally dark dark brown

short or long hair: short TT.TT

ever dyed your hair a bizarre color: NEVER EVER.!!! or my mummy will kill me.!

last time you did something dramatic with you hair: ermm,i had 2 painful experiences..
1) went to auntie salon n cut my hair short short (regret!!!!!!)
2) went to auntie salon AGAIN n get a 'rubbish' hair-do

glasses or contact: contact.. no glasses to wear,it's broken =(

do you wear make up: yupp,girl wat.. hehe

paint your nails: ya,pink colour when i was 15 =P


what color eye: whatever~~

what color hair: whatever~~

shy or outgoing:Outgoing,yes.!!

sexy or cute: how can guys being cute??

serious or fun: A balance of both..

older or younger than you: both oso can be accepted.. limit is 5 years older n few months younger ^^

a turn on: taller than me,fashionable (not a SEAFOOD)

turn off: messy,'over over weight' XD


flowers or chocolates: chocolates..

pepsi or coke: coke

rap or rock: both oso can

relationship or one night stand: relationship ^^

school or work:School.!!!

love or money: is this = love or bread? haha

movie or music: music is my life.!! yay^^

country or city: ???

sunny or rainy days: rainy nights,hoho

friends or family: Both..


lied: u r asking me a stupid question =.=

stole something: couldn't remember.. but i think yea XD

smoked: tried once... kns

hurt someone close to you: ya, TT.TT

broke someone's heart: not sure

had you heart broken: yes

wonder what was wrong with you: almost everyday, haha

wish you were prince or princess: in my dreams =p

like someone who was taken: i think nope..

shaved your head: nooooooo

used chopstick: yes. n i'm proud of it ^^

sang in the mirror to yourself: when no one is beside me XD


flower: not really received flowers before =( =( =(

candy: mentos.. yea

song: a lot.. currently is 'Kiss- Because I'm A girl' ^^

scent: not really know

color: white,red,black

movie: comedy.. love.. ^^

singer: SHE,Jay Chow, and a lots..

junk food: everything,i like to eat.!!

website: www.hotmail.com.. daily's must.!! haha

location: my bed in my bedroom at my house.! hehe

animal: dogs

ever cried over someone: yea, i guess.. o.O

is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: wish to have bigger eyes,longer legs,sharper nose,slimmer body.. but 100% wont go for plastic surgery,hehe

do you think you're attractive: not really =(

if you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: omg,im not dreaming now..

Do you play any sports: last was gymnasium,my cocu.. haha